Welcome to this weeks blog
Well lovelies now Christmas is completely over and routine has resumed, harry back at nursery and house back to normal, the 34 week marked has crept up on me! But I thought I would give you all an update on how my pregnancy has been since my last pregnancy milestone - I haven't been blogging each milestone as per say and just going with the flow, but 34 weeks has been a huge leap since my last update - How are you all feeling?

Baby is now the size of a pineapple/cantaloupe and weighing over 4lbs and I have really suffered with my back the last 3 weeks, I am not sure if the baby is laying on certain nerves, or in fact I am just over doing it and lifting my toddler too much when actually I should be bending my knees, and as my midwife advised ''getting down to his level'' But lets be honest, her advice isn't realistic, our 2 year old (and 5 months) generally will walk most places, but there are days he will want me to carry him, areas he isn't overly familiar with or actually its just general day to day life such as lifting him in and out of the car or the trolley when food shopping - Its sooooo hard to not lift them! Any how what ever the reason is my back definitely has felt it this time round; some tips that have helped are bending the knees, especially when going to pick toys up, hoovering/washing etc this past week in particular I have made a conscious effort to ensure I am bending down correctly because I was starting to worry I was going to have to deal with this back pain for the remainder of my pregnancy it was becoming unbearable! So making that conscious effort has made a difference.
Hot baths took the edge off, even though I feel like a whale in the bath tub with not much room to move!
Planning my week, so now that I am all finished from work for annual leave and maternity, I will do my best to ensure I am not out all day, and just half the day. So I either go into town or food shopping, play groups, etc in the morning or the afternoon - Not both! If I am out all day at this stage in my pregnancy, I really feel it the next day with back pain, I feel such a moany Maggie but it is a true fact I am afraid.
So enough of the back talk, my boobs are still growing like no tomorrow! Before I had Harry I was a 32/34 DD and after breast feeding I learnt to live with smaller boobs, and went down to a B cup. There is no doubt in saying the moment I saw the positive line come up on the test my boobs started growing over night - no joke! I am now in a 34E cup so before my milk has even come in I have gone up 3 cup sizes already. I have recently purchased Bras from New Look, Primark and Mothercare all ready for nursing as I do aim to breast feed my second baby. If you are wondering why I just didn't keep my older bras I actually threw them because I felt like I lived in them the whole time I fed, well I did and just wanted rid and to wear a proper bra once I had finished feeding! Lol So they were gone and binned off :)
In fact a lot of my maternity wardrobe is new as my first pregnancy was a spring/summer (July baby) and this is a autumn/winter (February due date) so I haven't really recycled much at all because I simply haven't been able to wear the cotton dresses in this cold cold weather!!!!
I have recently been watching videos on you tube regarding feeding in public as until I had completely got to grips with breast feeding I would not feed anywhere other than a feeding room, so I just wanted to remind/refresh my self how to cover up quickly if baby needed a feed and your not in the most private place, I am all for breast feeding in public and do not think us mummies have any reason to feel we aren't allowed but I am the first to put my hand up that in the beginning I wasn't 100% confident in doing so, once over the 4-6 week cluster feed stage its an absolute breeze and you can read your babies signs to find some where that you are comfortable. I would often feed any where with my muslin cloth or breast feeding cape discretely covering Harry. I would definitely advise to go and watch Emily Norris and also Cloud Mom their video's were great. I will link below;
I will be uploading my own personal tips for breast feeding once my little one arrives, as no baby is ever the same so I am not expecting he/she to feed as my son did so it will be good to do a comparison and give you mummies some tips.
Yesterday I saw my lovely midwife, I haven't seen her since November which feels forever! I noticed on this appointment she had a good proper feel of my tummy, which strangely felt a bit uncomfortable but this could be because I feel I dont have much room left in there! Lol! She said baby isn't engaged yet but heading that, she said they aim for 36 week mark for head to be engaged so still a little time, I have been on my bouncing ball this past week or so and have found that helps get me a little more comfortable which moving baby about. Heart rate was 148bpm - Old midwives tale says you can determine the gender of baby depending at the rate of heart beat, is this true?
I am currently measuring one week behind, which I did with my first pregnancy anyways so I am not concerned, Harry was only 2 days late which I don't think was bad going for a first baby. She also said she thinks I am having a girl from the size/shape of the baby??? Whatever that means Lol - She said baby felt petite, but not small were her words. But again my boy was only 7lbs so not overly big - Time will soon tell! eeekkk we are getting so excited.
Next plan is to do my hospital bag over the weekend!
Please go and give me a follow on Instagram @thehappybalancemum or
Email - thehappybalancemum@gmail.com to share your pregnancy/baby journey!