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Monday, 11 September 2017


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Hey everyone!!

Thank you for taking the time to view my latest blog which is ''Teething problems solved'' - As some of you know who follow me regularly I am now in my second trimester with baby number 2 and although I am excited at looking at nursery interior and decorations the reality is until I have finished for work I simply don't have the time to decorate yet! 

Anyway, but what I have had time to think about is what I will definitely be using with my second baby! (another blog more to follow on this one) Me and Hubby were talking the other night about items we used, didn't use so much and what was a definite YES of stuff tha we had great successes from with Harry which leads me onto what was a god send for us for our teething solutions.

For anyone that hasn't tried these 2 life savers yet and struggling to keep their littles ones content, I would definitely encourage you to give them ago, I was so open minded as a first time mum and would be open to lots of advice and still am now, I love all you fellow mummy bloggers/followers.


I know there is so many myths around this product, and does it really work, how does it work, the science it behind, etc the questions and comments are literally endless but do you know what for the sake of £12 just give it a go - Do let not peoples negativity put you off!

I purchased Harrys amber bracelet from the below website;

and I think back then (he is now 2 for those of you who don't know) they had an offer of Buy 2 for £12.00. 

So what you need to do:

  • Measure your little ones ankle, I never put the bracelet on Harrys neck or wrist it was always worn on his ankle.

  • Once you have this measurement, enough room to not be uncomfortable but not too loose to ensure its safe. Ensure this is for your first bracelet, if the offer is still valid then for your next bracelet I actually ordered the next measurement up as I really wasn't sure how quick he'd grow.

  • We put this on Harry's ankle from around 6 months old, and he wore it till he was well over 1 years old - He didn't actually end up cutting his first tooth till his first birthday but we definitely had the red gums, the tears and also the dribble before putting this on his ankle so we knew he was suffering bless him.

TOP TIP - Put the bracelet on around age 6-7 months, even earlier if you can because by the time Harry got older, never once did he try and take this off and I think this was because he became used to it being on there. It was often covered either by socks or a baby grow so wasn't ever a risk of being unsafe.

TOP TIP 2 - Try and ensure you are buy-ing real amber. Cheaper alternatives, or middle man websites may not have the same effect. 

I cant tell you how this worked, or why but I can honestly say hand on heart it definitely had an effect, our son slept better, and would be completely different if we took it off. I did have a fair few comments from family members and a few *eye rolls* because they wasn't ''believers'' - Did we care? Did we heck! We WILL 100% be purchasing again ready for Baby number 2!

Here is harry wearing one in the photo...


Second life saver was definitely this beauty we purchased through our local chemist, the bonjela's just don't touch the sides, they slip off the gum and just wasn't not effective for us. This was an instant relief, and you are able to tip on your finger and rub along all over the gums. It costs roughly between £4-£7 and it was an absolute life saver, I would NEVER leave home with out it!
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TOP TIP - I actually recently was talking about this product to another fellow mummy and told her we would also rub along our little ones gum's before dinner time and found he could eat a lot better and easier too. 

If you don't know much about the product have a little look online, or ask your local chemist. But it is recommended for teething, ulcers etc so very very effective!

Other than that, of course you cant forget your Sophie the Giraffe for them to munch on for distraction but I cant say the frozen teethers had much effective for our little one, however every individual is completely different. 

Hopefully your little ones will have achieve the comfort from the above 2 products that my little one did.   

Love the happy balance mum xx

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