Welcome to my first ever blog post; I recently joined instagram after much deliberation over the years; do I have time for yet another social media site, will it be another what feels like a social media addiction (let’s not lie!) anyways nevertheless I finally set my page up and here I am putting together my very own blog… and there was me questioning whether I had time for this sort of thing right?! But what really caught my attention was something so different to other social media sites and it was of course; seeing all these lovely mummy pages, blogs and YouTube videos of women doing what we do best; chat, moan, question, seeking support about being the best mum! Through the bad days and the good…. We really are ALL good Mums!
Work and actually life in general to be honest before my 2 year old son Harry was born has always been and is still very much woman orientated for me & my line of work, the last 5 years in particular has been very much about changing people’s live’s through amazing results for their skin. I cannot begin to explain the transformation in ones confidence that I have witnessed and been a part of, it is just amazing and extremely fulfilling. I have always had such a great feeling towards positivity, encouragement and empowering other woman, I find it truly inspiring – So I couldn't wait to be a part of the blogging world with all those who are also on one of life’s most challenging but equally amazing journies that is.. motherhood. 💛
I have a great passion for my career, and I won't lie since going back to work I now feel I spend most of my time ensuring I get the "happy balance" in being work Laura, wife Laura and mummy Laura. Working hard for my career was always something I knew I wasn't going to give up easily, it is all I have known for the past 10 years equally I was so ready to become a mum, and why can't we have the best of both worlds? I won't deny the worry of first leaving your baby, or the guilt you may feel in the beginning, or even questioning are we doing the right thing? I have been through all those emotion's, and still facing new ones everyday now, but I am so so excited to be a part of the mummy world of blogging and sharing with you my every day tips and advice and of course for me to continue to read the blogs of many others!
Love finding the happy balance mum x